Many people plan their family photo sessions in the milder seasons – spring, summer and fall. But a winter family photo session can be beautiful – and be a blast! I love them for a few reasons.
Beautiful Backdrop for your Winter Family Photo Session
The snow makes a great backdrop for your family photos. The way the light reflects off the snow and back onto your family’s faces creates some really lovely images. Snow on the ground changes the quality of the light, and the result is very bright and evenly lit photos of your family.

Bright colors really pop against a stark and bare background in photos. With silvery branches and snow on the ground, bold bright colors can work some magic! Selecting outfits and colors can be even more fun when you know your backdrop will be a winter scene. Color theory can help in this regard; check out my blog post here if you are trying to decide what to wear to your family photo session.

Wider window of opportunity
Even though the days are shorter in the winter, the light is much more accommodating. The sun never gets directly overhead during the shorter days, so it is easier to get better lighting conditions. During the summer, in order to get the best morning light (my favorite) you have to get up VERY early. And to get the best evening light tends to cut into dinner time for the younger ones. But here in New England, we can schedule winter morning and evening sessions at reasonable times – for example, after breakfast or before dinner.

schedule your winter family photo session today!
If you weren’t able to get a family session in last year, or want to get ahead of it for 2022, consider a winter family photo session. I often consult the Farmer’s Almanac for longer range forecasts. And although it feels a little like peering into a crystal ball, I have found the reports come with a fair bit of accuracy. I will be releasing my winter calendar of availability in early January. Sign up for my newsletter to get advance notice. And let’s get a snowy session on the books!